Zoom Signing for French Powers of Attorney

How do I sign a French Procuration (power of attorney) during Covid-19 lockdown?

The French had been very quick to react to the problems of signing procurations (French Powers of Attorney) at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic by introducing a temporary decree in April 2020 allowing the remote signing of procurations (French powers of attorney) by video conferencing such as Zoom, and they have now extended this to make it a permanent option. This makes it a lot easier for clients to sign powers of attorney and French legal documents without having to visit the Notaire or Notary public in person.

If you are accepting an inheritance, selling a French property or buying a French property, or signing to accept or to grant a lifetime gift, then you will need to sign this by power of attorney, you can now sign this via Zoom, subject to following the correct signing and certification protocols. We can also obtain Apostille Legalisation certificates from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Feel free to contact John Kitching if you need assistance with French Procurations or , French Power of Attorney, in order to remotely sign French Inheritance or French Property documents.


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