Privacy Policy

French Law Consultancy Limited is committed to protecting your privacy. As an essential part of our business, we collect, manage, share and store client and non-client data to carry out certain legal procedures. This Privacy Statement explains how we collect and use the information which we may collect through the French Law Consultancy Limited website (the “website”). References in this Privacy Statement to “we”/ “us” shall be deemed to be references to French Law Consultancy Limited.

Our Privacy Statement also provides you with information about how you can have control over the use of your data and your legal rights. If you are a client of ours, the entire Privacy Statement may be relevant to you. However, if you are a not a client, only parts of it may be relevant to you.


1.1  If you have any queries in relation to our Privacy Statement, please contact us at

1.2  Where the website contains links to other websites we are not responsible for their privacy practices. This privacy statement applies solely to this website.

1.3  If you are not happy with our Privacy Statement we ask that you stop using the website.

1.4  By submitting information to us via our Contact form or using our website you consent to the collection and use of your personal information in the manner set out in this Privacy Statement.

What is your personal information / data?

2.1  Personal information and data that relates to an individual person that can be identified (directly or indirectly) from that data / information.

2.2  Processing of such data and information is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation.

Personal information that we may collect from you

The information that we may collect from you includes the following:

3.1  Names (including former names)

3.2  Home address (including other properties that you may own)

3.3  Email address

3.4  Telephone and other contact numbers

3.5  Medical information (for example information about your current health)

3.6  Financial information

3.7  Details of your family

3.8  Details of your other professional advisers

How we collect it

We collect your data and information in a number of different ways including the following

4.1  Provided to us by you online, by telephone, by email, by letter or by completing our documents such as questionnaires.

4.2  Provided to us by your other professional advisers (subject to obtaining your consent)

4.3  In some circumstances, the information we collect from you will be deemed by the General Date Protection Regulations to be of a special category (for example information about your health). In those circumstances, we will obtain your direct consent to collect this information.

Why do we collect this information?

We collect your information and data for the following reasons:

·       To manage our relationship with you

·       Provide you with advice

·       Carry out your instructions

·       Respond to your enquiries

·       Provide you with information about our services, news and events which we feel may interest you (provided we have received your consent to be contacted for such purposes)

·       Provide you with our bills and arrange payment

·       Enable us to meet our legal and other regulatory obligations

·       Notify you of any changes to our services

·       Audit usage of our website.

How we use your information

6.1  We will only use your personal data and information when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we will use your data

6.1.1  Where it is necessary for our legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests, and

6.1.2  Where we need to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

6.1.3  To carry out our contact for services with you

Sharing your information

7.1  All information and data collected by us is treated as confidential and is only shared when necessary. It may be shared with the following:

7.1.1  Third parties that are necessary to complete our contact for services for example notaires, avocats, notaries public, the foreign & commonwealth office, consular agents, financial advisors, accountants, estate agents, surveyors / diagnostiqueurs, tax offices, insurers, utilities providers, currency dealers, and the courts.

7.1.2  Regulators such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority

7.1.3  Government organisations such as HMRC, Wills Registries

7.1.4  Professional bodies that audit us such as STEP and the Law Society.

7.1.5  Organisations related to the running of our business such as accountants and case management systems.

How long do we retain information?

8.1  We will not keep your personal data and information for longer than is reasonably necessary. In most circumstances this means we will retain information for a period of eight years. However, we will keep all of our files (including original documents and electronic file) in archive until the risk of any potential claim has passed after which point they are destroyed. The exact timeframe for storage varies with the type of file and to determine the appropriate retention period we consider various factors including the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data, and the applicable contractual and regulatory requirements. Once your matter has been completed will if requested notify you of how long we intend to keep your file and personal date / information. We have listed the relevant timeframes below

8.1.1 Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and tax planning – File kept for up to eight years or six years after death

8.1.2  Probate and Estate Administration – File kept for eight years

8.1.3  Court of Protection – File kept for up to eight years or six years after death

Security of your information

9.1  The information that we collect process, store and control is stored within the European Economic Area. This includes information that is exchanged with any third party organisations.

9.2  We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data and information from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a direct interest and need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality. We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

Our Data Controller

10.1  French Law Consultancy Limited is the data controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulations.

10.2  John Kitching is the nominated Data Protection Officer. He can be contacted on 01663745488 or


Your Legal Rights

You are entitled to certain legal rights under the terms of date protection legislation. Your rights are listed below:

11.1  Access

11.1.1  you have the right to ask us to provide you with a copy of all personal data and information that we hold about you. This is known as a ‘subject access request’.

11.1.2  We will provide the information to you within 30 days of you making the request.

11.2  Correction

11.2.1  If we hold incorrect or inaccurate information about you then you can request it is correct.

11.2.2  If you would like us to correct information we hold about you, please contact us on 01260 769 639 or by email to request correction.

11.3   Erasure

11.3.1  You have the right to ask us to erase all persona data and information that we hold about you.

11.3.2  Provided it is appropriate for us to comply with your request, we will action your request within 30 days.

11.3.3 If you would like us to erase information we hold about you, please contact us on 01260 769 639 or by email to request correction.

11.4   Data Transfer

11.4.1 You can request that the electronic information and data we hold about you is transferred, moved or copied to another organisation.

11.4.2  If you would like to transfer information or data we hold about you, please contact us on 01260 769 639 or by email to request correction

11.5  Further information about making a request

11.5.1  We may require you to provide us you’re your identification documents before we can action you request. This is intended as a security measure to ensure that your personal data and information is not disclosed to a person that has no right to receive it.

11.5.2  We will not charge you for accessing your personal data or to exercise your rights expect in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances includes if your request is unfounded, repetitive or excessive. In those circumstances we may refuse to comply with your request. If we do charge a fee, we would discuss it with you and agree any cost before providing the information.

11.5.3  You have the right to lodge any concerns you have with the Information Commissioner’s Office who can be contacted at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF  T. 0303 123 1113  F. 01625 524510


If you require any further information or have any questions about this Privacy Statement, please contact John Kitching by email at